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Progressive Die Tooling: The Backbone of Efficient Manufacturing

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Progressive Die Tooling

Progressive die stamping is a versatile and efficient manufacturing process for many industries. Custom tool and die sets are engineered to stamp parts from metal strips as they feed through a press.

Here, we’ll look at the progressive stamping process, the components that make up progressive die tooling, and the benefits this process offers for OEMs, their suppliers, and aftermarket manufacturers.

What is Progressive Die Tooling?

Progressive die stamping is the process of creating intricate metal parts or components by stamping them from strips of metal. Complex tool and die sets, also called tooling, are mounted inside the stamping press and sit above and below the material to be stamped, usually a narrow strip of metal that is rolled into a large coil.

The idea behind progressive stamping is that each operation required to create a finished part is laid out in sequence in a single tool and die set. The strip advances with each stroke of the press, and it stops and is struck at each station. After each stamping passes through all of the stations, they are complete with all features formed. Parts can be designed to remain attached to the carrier strip or knocked out and collected in a bin.

With this process, new parts are begun and completed with every strike of the press, so production is continuous and rapid, up to hundreds or more strokes per hour.

All of the part’s features are formed by carefully designed tool and die sets made from hardened tool steel or other durable metals. Upper and lower die plates (also called die shoes or sets) form the base for attaching all the tooling and dies that perform each operation. These include:

  • Punches and Buttons: Punches are steel tools in various diameters, lengths, and nose shapes to make features in different sizes and depths, including holes and perforations. Buttons sit opposite of the punches and make contact with them when the press closes and the material is punched through.
  • Springs: Mechanical or pressurized nitrogen gas springs hold the material in place and assist in opening the press on each stroke
  • Guide Pins and Bushings: Rods and corresponding cylinders help align the upper and lower plates and other tooling to improve accuracy and hold tolerances.
  • Plates, Jigs, and Mandrels: Tooling designed to form bends to precise angles.

Importance of Prog Die Components to Manufacturers

Progressive stamped parts are often components that go into larger assemblies, or function to secure or connect critical components. This means all parts must meet tolerances and there can be little variation between batches or individual stampings.

Part quality has a cumulative effect, and if a stamped part doesn’t fit or function as designed, the rest of the assembly or system suffers.

Some common examples of stamped parts include:

  • Clips, Tabs, Brackets
  • Small Plates
  • Fasteners
  • Flanges
  • Small Lids or Covers
  • Complex or Intricate Components

Progressive stamping works with material as thin as foil up to a half inch or more in thickness. Many grades of steel and alloys, aluminum, copper, brass, and bronze can be stamped with excellent results.

Benefits of Progressive Die Tooling and Stamping

Because progressive die tooling is custom-designed and built for each stamping project, stamping offers many benefits to manufacturers such as:

  • All Forming Operations in a Single Machine: There is no need to move between presses because the process moves from metal strips to completed parts as it travels through the machine. This means less handling and labor.
  • Self-Contained Tooling: All of the tooling and dies are attached to the plates inside the press so there is no changeover or adjustments to the tooling during stamping.
  • Long Service Life: Tooling and dies are usually built with tool steel or other hard, durable metals. With proper maintenance, they can last for thousands or millions of cycles. This is especially beneficial to companies that enter long-term or extremely high volume contracts, or those who have vendor-managed inventory (VMI) agreements with their stamper.
  • Fast: Progressive stamping presses move rapidly, with a newly completed part ejected with each stroke of the press until the batch is completed.
  • Highly Repeatable for Very Consistent Parts: The continuous feed of the material through self-contained tooling means variation from part to part and from batch to batch is minimal. The result is consistent quality and less scrap than other methods.
  • Custom Tooling and Dies to your Design: Stampers that offer in-house tooling and die design and manufacturing have a full understanding of your goals for the part and its end use. This comprehensive, end-to-end solution reduces the risk of miscommunication over the course of the project.

Why Choose Evans for Tool & Die Services

Evans Tool & Die provides comprehensive progressive stamping services including engineering and design support, in-house tool and die building, stamping, and tooling maintenance. Our press capacities range from 30 to 1,000 tons, with speeds up to 1,200 strokes per minute. Additional capabilities include laser cutting, metal fabrication, welding, finishing, and machining. We are an ISO 9001:2015 quality certified manufacturer.

Learn more about our tool and die services or contact us today for a quote.



How Laser Cutting is Used in the Defense Industry

The military and defense industry relies on mission-critical equipment and vehicles for ground, air, and water-based operations. The parts and assemblies that go into everything from trucks and transport aircraft to satellite equipment must be manufactured on time and without errors to meet MIL-SPEC and performance requirements.

Laser cutting is a manufacturing process used often for military and defense-related applications. It is highly accurate and repeatable for making parts with tight tolerances at high volumes. Laser cutting machines can also be used with a range of materials.

Here, we’ll look at some military and defense applications for laser cutting, general material options, and the advantages this technology offers.

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Defense Laser Cutting

Manufacturing Complex Parts

Laser cutting is a versatile manufacturing technique that can be used for complex part geometries with intricate cuts and fine features, or for large parts with critical dimensions and tight tolerances.

Examples of military and defense applications are:

  • Aircraft and spacecraft components. Lasers are used to cut lightweight materials, including aluminum and titanium, with minimal heat distortion. Parts may include wing flaps, engine and seat components, on-board flight equipment, or fuselage frame components.
  • Vehicles and weapons systems. Steel, steel alloys, aluminum, and other metals are laser cut for use in armor plating and parts for weapon or vehicle system assemblies.
  • Marking and engraving. Lasers can transfer permanent markings to metals, glass, ceramics, and textiles for traceability and user assistance. Markings may include barcodes, serial numbers, logos, reference and service marks, or identification codes on equipment, weaponry, field gear, bullets, and explosives. Lasers can also be used to add specialized, high-performance textures.
  • Micromachining. Lasers are used to manufacture or process very small components and delicate or very thin materials like foils. Carefully controlled laser tools are used for cutting, drilling, and marking on miniature components and fasteners used in vehicles, electronics, and portable or hand-held equipment.

Material Versatility

Defense and military parts, gear, and equipment contain many different types of materials including metals, non-metals, and textiles. Lasers are capable of marking, embossing, and cutting substrates in a range of thicknesses. Depending on the application, both fiber and CO2 lasers give excellent cutting and marking results.

Versatile laser cutting and marking are suitable for the following materials:

  • Metals: Carbide, anodized and painted metal, steel and aluminum, cast iron, titanium, brass, copper, nickel-plated metals
  • Composites: Various carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) and fiberglass
  • Non-metals: Glass, ceramics, plastics and acrylics, wood, and textiles

Advantages Of Laser Cutting In The Defense Industry

Equipment and devices used in military and defense operations must be well-made and reliable. That means the parts, assemblies, and subassemblies that go into them must also meet strict specifications and tolerances so they fit and function correctly. Laser cutting, marking, and processing excel at meeting this goal.

Laser cutting offers these advantages for military manufacturing:

  • Precision. Computer-controlled lasers are programmed with the exact dimensions, angles, and cuts required to produce part after part without variation. Lasers also leave no tool marks or gouges on surfaces, which can affect tolerances or performance.
  • Speed and efficiency. The laser machine moves quickly for high throughput and shorter lead times. It can be set up to fit as many parts as possible on a single sheet of material to minimize waste. Lasers generate sufficient power to melt or vaporize the material so cuts, holes, and markings have no rough edges and need no extra finishing, like deburring or sanding.
  • Reduced heat-affected zone (HAZ). A laser beam’s heat is concentrated in a very small area, which means it produces a smaller heat-affected zone on materials when compared to other cutting or machining methods. A smaller HAZ results in less distortion at the edges and does not compromise the structural integrity of the material.
  • Low waste. Laser cutting machines are programmed to use material efficiently and cut as many components as possible with minimal scrap. The material is carefully aligned on the cutting bed so all cuts are extremely accurate with very few errors. Integrated vision systems and cameras can also be used to monitor and adjust the laser’s path on the fly.

Laser Cutting Services From Evans Tool & Die

Evans Tool & Die provides laser cutting services for precision components in the military and defense industry, and more. We also offer military metal stamping services, metal fabrication, welding, electroplating, and finishing services for a complete solution to your manufacturing needs.

We are a family-owned and operated business and have been committed to integrity, quality, and accountability in our work since 1948. Our team serves the Conyers, GA area and beyond.

Contact us or request a quote to learn about our defense manufacturing solutions.

What are the Different Types of Laser Cutting?

Industrial laser cutting quickly produces uniform metal components that require minimal finishing. It is commonly used with metals and alloy metals, as well as ceramics, some plastics, glass, and textiles in different thicknesses. Lasers can also be used for engraving, annealing, and other operations.

Here, we’ll look at how laser cutting works and present four common types of lasers used in industry. We’ll also look at some typical laser cutting applications.

What Is Laser Cutting?

“Laser” is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Essentially, the laser cutting process involves the use of concentrated beams of light to cut, melt, and vaporize material. This process is suitable for cutting materials in various thicknesses and can be used to create both simple and complex shapes.

Laser beams are generated when electrons in optical materials like crystal, gas, or glass absorb energy from light or an electric current. The excited electrons emit light energy, which is then directed through material that amplifies it. Lasers are also “doped” with different elements to produce desired wavelengths.

Because it is a non-contact process, laser cutting will not scorch, scratch, or leave tool marks on workpieces. Cuts are clean, with no burrs or rough edges; therefore, they require little to no additional finishing such as deburring or grinding.

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What Are the Different Types of Laser Cutting?

Laser cutting is an easy way to fast track manufacturing in many industries including aerospace, automotive, military, agricultural machinery, construction, and appliances. Different types of laser cutting machines can be used for different applications.

These are four common types of lasers used in cutting and manufacturing:

Fiber Laser Cutting

Fiber lasers are a type of solid-state laser. Light from excited semiconductor diodes is guided through a fiber optic cable to produce the beam used for cutting, marking, or engraving. The desired wavelength is created by filling a special cavity in the cable with a doping element.

Benefits include:

  • Energy efficiency, with over 40% wall plug efficiency
  • Small wavelength and tiny focal point for high precision to meet tight tolerances
  • Works with many metals, including reflective materials
  • Stable beam with high optical gain
  • Long service life
  • Low maintenance for increased uptime

Fiber lasers are well-suited for thinner materials. They are often used for marking, annealing, engraving, cutting, and welding. Common materials used with fiber lasers include metal, glass, ceramics, composite polymers, and plastics.

CO2 Laser Cutting

CO2 lasers are a well-established and trusted laser technology. To produce the beam, a mixture of CO2, nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium gas is placed in a special tube fitted with mirrors at each end. The tube is electrified and the gas produces light in the far infrared spectrum, which forms the laser. The supply of gas must be maintained throughout operation.

Benefits include:

  • Lower initial investment than other lasers
  • Fast operation
  • Excellent beam quality
  • Works well with thicker materials

CO2 lasers are often used with non-metals including paper and wood. They can also be used with acrylics, leather, textiles, and food products, as well as for cutting different steel materials.

Nd:YAG and Nd:YVO Laser Cutting

Another type of solid state laser, these use crystals made of Nd:YAG (Neodymium doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) or Nd:YVO (Neodymium doped Yttrium Ortho Vanadate) to amplify light emissions in the near-infrared spectrum.

Benefits include:

  • High power density
  • Ability to transmit light through fiber optic cables for longer beam reach
  • High-precision cutting and marking

Nd:YAG and Nd:YVO lasers are frequently used for aerospace and other applications that use titanium, nickel, and steel. They are also used to mark and engrave very hard materials including polycarbonates and ceramics.

Direct Diode Laser Cutting

These solid state lasers are produced by applying electrical current to semiconductors. Many diodes are grouped together into what’s called a diode bar. Multiple bars can be configured to produce an even more powerful beam.

Benefits include:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Cost-effective technology
  • Compact machines
  • Able to produce light in many wavelengths from ultraviolet to near infrared to mid-infrared

Diode lasers can weld, cut, and mark sheets of steel and aluminum, as well as polymethylmethacrylate and polycarbonate. There may be limits on the thickness of materials that can be cut with a diode laser.

Get High-Quality Laser Cutting Services From Evans Metal Stamping

Evans Metal Stamping is your complete solution for metal fabrication, such as metal stamping and fiber laser cutting carbon and stainless steel, aluminum, and bronze for fast and precise results.

Contact us today to learn how we can support your production and supply chain, or request a quote today.

Laser Cutting vs. Laser Engraving vs. Laser Marking: Understanding the Differences

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Laser Cutting vs. Engraving

A laser is a highly focused beam of light that emits a specific wavelength and heat. A system of mirrors and lenses in the laser machine guides and concentrates the beam into a predetermined focal point. Heat given off by the laser hits a material substrate to permanently alter it, by marking or etching its surface, or by cutting through it completely.

Depending on the type of laser (i.e., CO2, fiber, etc.), its wavelength, and the power level, lasers can be used for many creative purposes, commercial products, and manufacturing processes including welding, cutting, etching, annealing, and more.

Here we’ll look at the differences between laser cutting, engraving, and marking operations.

Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is an efficient and highly accurate alternative to water jet cutting or mechanical cutting tools like shears. It can be used for precision cutting of glass, plastic, wood, textiles, and metals, including steel.

The laser beam is focused and guided by a system of optical components inside the laser machine, directing the beam to a point on the material. Heat from the laser melts the material enough to burn or melt through it. Different materials require different types and strengths of lasers. For example, a powerful CO2 laser is required to cut through steel.

After making an initial puncture in the material, the beam is moved according to the desired pattern and cuts a path. Laser cutting machines are controlled by computerized motion control systems that use G-code programming to create specific cuts, features, and shapes. Laser cuts can be simple or intricate. A laser can also be used to drill holes with great precision.

Lasers for Precision Cutting Applications

Laser cutting is used in many manufacturing applications. Some examples include:

  • Cutting precision automotive and aerospace components
  • Flat panels that require smooth joins
  • Producing extremely accurate parts for medical devices
  • Designing and cutting unique custom signs

Advantages of Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is fast and makes efficient use of material. The layout is optimized to cut as many parts as possible from each sheet of metal, which reduces waste and production costs. This makes it very cost-effective for high-volume orders. Because it is a computerized process, adjustments are simple to make.

The beam can be focused on a highly concentrated and tiny focal point, and exact coordinates are programmed into the machine, so it’s possible to achieve extremely tight tolerances for cuts and shapes. As non-contact tools, lasers don’t leave stray marks, scorch, or otherwise damage material outside of designated areas on the workpiece. What’s more, because the material is melted and vaporized, cuts and holes are usually smooth and clean, requiring little to no additional finishing.

Laser Engraving

Laser engraving is a type of laser marking used in both artistic and manufacturing applications. Like laser cutting, this process involves using a laser to permanently alter material along a pre-programmed path; however, instead of cutting through it, only a thin layer of material is removed. This process of melting and vaporizing a thin layer of material is called ablation.

Solid state fiber lasers are often used for engraving. Materials including metal, stone, brick, wood, acrylic, fabric, and cardboard can be laser engraved. Depending on the wavelength and other parameters, engravings can be raised, shallow, or deep. Most engravings are between .0001 in. and .005 in. deep.

Laser engraving applications

This process is used for applications including:

  • Engraving ID or serial numbers on parts and equipment
  • Customizing signs
  • Adding reference maks to subassembly components (i.e., brackets, plates)
  • Metal or other solid labels and tags for tools and equipment

Laser Marking

Laser marking encompasses several operations including laser annealing, carbon migration, etching, and engraving. While all types of laser marking are permanent, some methods use low heat, so no material is removed. The result is smooth, high-contrast markings that resist fading and abrasion.

Metal, plastic, some ceramics, and wood can be laser marked. Manufacturing uses for laser marking include applying serial numbers, reference marks, traceability codes, branding, or other custom graphics or messages.

Laser Cutting Services From Evans Tool & Die

At Evans Tool & Die, we provide complete solutions for metal fabrication, including high-quality laser cutting services. Our team can help at every step of the manufacturing process including engineering and design, prototyping, tool and die building, stamping, machining, welding, finishing, assembly, and packaging.

Reach out today to learn more about our services or to request a quote.

How Tool and Die Making Works

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Precision tools and metal forms — known as dies — are responsible for producing most consumer equipment and products in the market. These gears are used to cut, shape, and mold metal and other materials and are made by tool and die markers.

Often known as machinists, tool and die makers use mechanical and computer-controlled technologies to precisely cut, shape, and finish tools, instruments, and metal components. In addition, they produce gauges, various measuring instruments, and jigs and fixtures, which are used to hold metal while it is being punched, stamped, or drilled.

This article will dive into the process of tool and die making.

Tool and Die Making: What’s the Difference?

In the metal stamping process, nearly every mechanical instrument that cuts, forms, supports, or molds metals can be termed a tool. On the other hand, dies are a subset of tools capable of altering metals’ shapes.

A die is primarily used in manufacturing to shape or profile materials by cutting or forming them. Like molds, it frequently undergoes customization based on its intended use in production. There is a vast array of die-made products, ranging from simple office essentials like paper clips to more complex aviation components.

In contrast, tooling (also known as machine tooling) is the process of acquiring the specialized equipment and parts necessary for the large-scale manufacturing method. Effective tooling ensures the effective performance of manufactured products, prolongs product longevity, and contributes to quality improvement.

Tool and Die Makers: What Do They Do?

Tool and die makers focus on operating machinery to build tools and machine components. These specialists have received substantial training, and they advance in their careers by refining their areas of specialization and acquiring certifications. Tool & Die making is a trade skill. To achieve master toolmaker status, it takes a toolmaker 5-10 years of apprenticeship and years of hands-on experience.

Responsibilities of a Tool and Die Maker

Among their fundamental responsibilities are the following:

  • Reading and interpreting blueprints, sketches, specifications, or computer-aided design (CAD) or computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) files to create tools and dies
  • Calculating and confirming the workpieces’ dimensions, sizes, forms, and tolerances
  • Setting up, using, and disassembling manual, CNC, and conventional machine tools
  • Filing, grinding, and adjusting parts
  • Quality checking and testing finished tools and dies if they satisfy specifications
  • Buffing and polishing tool and die surfaces

Generally, machinists must possess a high school diploma or equivalent certifications. Similarly, tool and die manufacturers may be required to complete additional coursework.

Still, there are a variety of techniques for personnel to become proficient in their positions as machinists, toolmakers, and diemakers. One popular method is via on-the-job training, which usually lasts a year.

Working as a Tool and Die Maker

Most tool and die makers are employed in the manufacturing industry. They do their duties in well-lit and air-conditioned machine shops, tool rooms, and factory floors.

Although the activity is mostly risk-free, using machine tools presents some hazards. Therefore, workers must take safety precautions using protective equipment, such as safety glasses and earplugs.

In addition, tool and die makers and machinists are common in industries, including the following:

  • Automobile manufacturing
  • CNC machining
  • Die making
  • Maintenance machining
  • Metal die finishing
  • Plastic die making
  • Precision machining
  • Tool making

Evans: Your Tool and Die Making Professionals

Evan Tool & Die offers a variety of solutions, including the manufacture of tools and dies. We handle everything from design and engineering to simulation testing, tool-making, and maintenance.

Our team comprises professional and seasoned tool and die makers with expertise in metal stamping, machining services, design engineering, welding, and finishing. We employ the best to offer our clients nothing less but the best!

Contact us today to book an appointment or to get a quote for your tool and die making needs!

What Is a Tool and Die Maker?

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Tool and die makers are an incredible asset for any manufacturing facility. They excel at the top of the metalworking trades, with their mechanical aptitude allowing them to create parts and machines requiring high precision. Moreover, these experts can independently design and construct tools without requiring managerial oversight or instruction. The highest skill level is a “master toolmaker,” which takes 5-10 years of apprenticeship and hands-on experience.

Responsibilities of a Tool and Die Maker

A tool and die maker is responsible for designing and fabricating tools, dies, and other metalworking equipment. Thus, they must understand metalworking processes, mathematics, physics, engineering principles, and computerized machining to create these tools with extreme precision. Additionally, they must be able to accurately read blueprints and designs to reproduce them as closely as possible.

Here are some of the specific tasks of a tool and die maker:

  • Fabricate specialized tools and dies to craft fixtures and construct new gears whenever needed.
  • Troubleshoot and repair dies, molds, tools, jigs, fixtures, and other components as required. Safely dismantle parts, then put them back together after a successful repair.
  • Possess the capacity to comprehend and interpret blueprints and intricate schematics to manufacture tools, fixtures, and machine parts.
  • Utilize computer-aided design (CAD) software to develop innovative designs and transform them into blueprints.
  • Thoroughly examine finished tools and dies for marks of defect or wear that might hinder performance.
  • Guarantee that all equipment, tools, and machines are functioning optimally. Regularly inspect them for proper configuration.
  • Customize machines to precisely adjust speed, material feed, and cut paths for maximum quality assurance to produce a product that meets specifications.

What To Look For in a Reliable Tool and Die Maker

Tool and die makers are highly skilled craftsmen who specialize in designing, creating, repairing, and testing various production tools, such as dies, cutting tools, jigs, and fixtures gauges made out of metal alloys or plastics. They must be able to produce precision-made parts that meet tight manufacturing tolerances with utmost accuracy.

If you plan on working with a tool and die maker, here are some of the qualities you should look for:

Attention to Detail

Tool and die makers need to pay close attention to detail to ensure accuracy in their work. They must also focus on the task without becoming sidetracked, especially when dealing with complex requirements.

Problem-Solving Skills

Strong problem-solving skills are a must-have for tool and die makers. This will help them determine why a particular machine or tool isn’t functioning correctly.

Mechanical Aptitude

Mechanics are integral when designing, constructing, and repairing tools and dies. Therefore, a solid understanding of this field is essential for success as a tool and die maker.

Math Skills

Tool and die makers must have strong math skills since they often need to convert measurements from one unit of length to another when creating their tools. They also need to be able to read blueprints to ensure that the finished product meets all specified requirements accurately.

Computer Literacy

Being familiar with CAD software is key for tool and die makers since it is increasingly becoming more common in modern factories and manufacturing processes.

Work With Expert Tool and Die Professionals at Evans

Evans Tool & Die is the best place to look if you seek reliable, seasoned, and knowledgeable tool and die makers for your fabrication needs! Our master tool makers have over 200 years of experience. We provide a comprehensive range of dies, progressive and transfer stamping, coining, shaping, secondary, and hand transfer dies. After we build your beautiful die, we can run it or you can run it; our 200,000 sq ft facility houses 67 punch presses.

Call us to learn more about our products and services, or request a quote today!

How To Find the Right Tool and Die Maker

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Tool and die makers are some of the most skilled workers in precision manufacturing; they craft tools and metal forms needed for stamping and other forging operations. The work of a tool and die maker entails analyzing design specifications cutting and shaping metal, assembling parts, and testing completed products for use in manufacturing facilities.

Making a good product starts with having the tools fit for the job. So, to help you acquire the best and most appropriate gear for your needs, this article will help you know what to look for in a tool and die maker.

What Makes a Good Tool and Die Maker?

Most professional tool and die makers undergo formal technical education programs and apprenticeships, allowing them to develop the expertise necessary to adequately serve clients. The following are the fundamental skills you should look for in tool and die makers:

Displays a Proficiency in Math

Tool and die makers should be proficient in using and understanding geometry equations and theories to calculate the dimensions of the products and machine parts. They should also have an eye for numerical detail to ensure precision and accuracy in their calculations and work.

Possesses Excellent Dexterity

Because tool and die makers are considered artisans, they should be good at performing tasks using their hands. For example, tool and die makers use dexterity skills to operate machinery by hand or computer.

Shows an Understanding of Blueprints

Tool and die makers are relied on to create new products, which is why they need the necessary skills and knowledge to read and understand a blueprint. In addition, they should be familiar enough with instruction manual jargon and other trade-specific concepts to efficiently operate, maintain, and repair machines and other equipment.

Possesses Great Analytical Skills

Analytical skills are a must for tool and die makers since these will allow them to examine machine parts and tools for quality assurance, make logical decisions on processes, and troubleshoot manufacturing hurdles.

Knowledgeable About Welding

Tool and die makers also need to know about welding. These craftsmen use welding techniques to weld parts together to complete their assembly after creating machine parts and tools. They also utilize welding to correct errors in their designs.

Certifications of a Tool and Die Maker

There are three certifications tool and die makers can pursue in their careers. These help prove whether a tool and die maker have passed the necessary tests and have undergone the required apprenticeship and ample work experience.

Master of Die Casting Tooling Certification

The North American Die Casting Association awards this merit according to three levels, each focusing on a more nuanced understanding of die casting. The first level requires a tool and die maker to pass an exam and spend a specific amount of time in an apprenticeship. In addition, tool and die makers need to retake exams every three years for this certification to remain valid.

Certified Machine Tool Sales Engineer Certification

The Certified Machine Tool Sales Engineer certification is a nationally recognized program that recognizes tool and die makers who possess the necessary skills and knowledge to perform effectively as machine tool sales engineers. So, having this certification allows the tool and die makers to take on more responsibilities.

Master Engine Machinist Certification

The Master Engine Machinist requires tool and die makers to be knowledgeable about engines. To earn this recognition, they must pass a three-part exam on cleaning, inspecting, repairing, and assembling standard and diesel automotive engines. This certification must also be renewed every five years to retain validity.

Find Your Master Tool Makers at Evans

Evans Tool & Die has trained and apprenticed master tool makers for decades. We employ around 20 master tool makers who create dies, molds, machine tools, cutting tools, and other tools used for manufacturing. With over 200 years of combined work experience, 75 years in business, woman-owned and an ISO 9001:2015 certification, we can provide precision custom tool and die design services that achieve tolerances of less than 0.001 of an inch.

Request a quote for our services today!

Understanding Tool And Die Engineering And Manufacturing

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Tools and dies are essential to the manufacturing industry; without these, cutting, forming, or shaping metals would be unthinkable. A tool-and-die business can help other companies manufacture and innovate products for various industries, from automotive parts, to medical components,  to everyday household items. Some machinists and tool and die makers use computer-aided designs to produce parts and products, and they work on many different mechanically controlled and computer-controlled machinery to produce precision tools or components.

What Is A Tool and A Die?

The terms “tool” and “die” are often used interchangeably, but dies are essentially a subset of tools. Thus, all dies are tools, but not all tools are dies.

In metalworking, a tool is a mechanical device used to cut, form, support, and mold metals. Some examples include jigs, fixtures, drills, and cutting blades. On the other hand, dies are tools used to functionally change the shapes of metals and produce stamped parts at high-volume quantities.

What Is Tool and Die Engineering?

Tool and die engineering is a manufacturing industry field involving the creation of various gears needed in different manufacturing processes. Tool making produces fixtures, cutting tools, machine tools, and metal forming rolls.

On the other hand, die focuses on maintaining and creating dies — die sets, steel rule dies, and punches. In die making, precision is crucial because die steel and punches should have the proper clearance to create components accurately. Tool & Die engineers design and create blueprints using computer-aided design (CAD) so that toolmakers can build dies.

A tool and die engineering expert usually work in a designated area, room, or space close to where the tool and die manufacturing process takes place. These skilled craftspeople usually learn their skill through a combination of hands-on instruction and academic coursework, and they work closely as part of the whole manufacturing team.

What Is Tool and Die Manufacturing?

Tool and die manufacturing is a machining process where the tools and dies are put into action. Here, tools are used to cut out and form metal and other materials. They are valued for their precision in producing custom components and equipment.

This process also uses dies similar to a mold. The dies create complex and custom-shaped materials through methods like forging and stamping. Additionally, jigs are used in this process as tools to hold the metal while it is being bored, drilled, or stamped. A metal-stamped die is placed into a punch press to manufacture metal-stamped pieces.

Get The Best Tool & Die Services At Evans!

Here at Evans Tool & Die, we have the best artisans that create dies, molds, machine tools, cutting tools, and other custom manufacturing tools. We also offer master toolmakers in-house and a variety of dies and stamping capabilities, including forming, coining, progressive and transfer stamping, and secondary, and hand transfer dies. We can run your die in our 200,000 sq ft facility with one of our 67 punch presses.

With over 200 years of combined tool and die experience, we can create precision custom tool and die designs with tolerances of less than 0.001 of an inch. In addition, we are ISO 9001-2015 certified, woman-owned business with over 75 years in manufacturing; and our expertise and capabilities allow us to provide quality tool and die manufacturing and repair services.

Evans is your American-made, one-stop tool and die shop! We design, build, stamp, finish, pack and ship to your dock! We offer high-quality products with excellent customer service. Get a quote from us today for your tool and die engineering or manufacturing needs!

How To Choose a Tool and Die Shop

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The tool and die industry allows people to innovate and make custom parts for the automotive, technology, and aeronautic industries. Tool and die shops are responsible for fabricating dies, molds, and tooling using specialized cutting technology. They help manufacturers and customers create durable and complex machine tools, cementing their spot as key players in the industrial sector.

Things To Look for in a Tool and Die Shop

Picking the right tool and die shop to rely on is crucial. With the high demand for precision, quality, and fast-paced production in most industries, manufacturers cannot risk working with a partner that delivers poor customer service and subpar tools and products.

To help ensure that you find a dependable and experienced service provider, here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the right tool and die shop.

Professional Experience

Before picking a tool and die shop, you have to be confident that the shop can meet quality standards. One of the best metrics of reliability is customer satisfaction and professionalism. Thus, it’s essential to do a background check on a prospective provider. Look for client testimonials and accolades from renowned organizations and authorities in the industry.

Quality Equipment and Facilities

A reliable and professional tool and die shop should be able to easily meet tight tolerances and part specifications. Ask about details like the technology used to manufacture designs, the usual turnaround time for custom orders, and the quality of facilities where the products are made. Your chosen tool and die shop should have the proper tools to do the job and not outsource their equipment; doing so takes time and can compromise quality.

The ideal partner should also have air compressors, E.D.M., cutting equipment, measuring gear, proper die handling, milling equipment, drilling, grinding, shaping, welding, and turning equipment. In addition, all the equipment should be specific for the job, with the correct specification and number, to create streamlined components manufacturing.

Prompt Service

Tool and die shops often provide their customers with key components for larger projects by original equipment manufacturers. Hence, orders should be tested and delivered to the client on time. Any delay in service provision can lead to significant production setbacks, costing the customer valuable time and money.

Before full production, the right tool and die shop should have tested the tooling dies. This not only speeds up service but should also save money and valuable time from shipping the tooling die back and forth for modifications.

Comprehensive Service

All-around service is a good bonus for a tool and die shop. Providers catering to a wide array of manufacturing and machining processes allow their clients to streamline their procurement process by sourcing several products and services from a single supplier or partner.

Different tool and die shops offer varying services, depending on their capabilities and facilities. At Evans Tool & Die, we offer the most reliable service for tool and die making, custom metal stamping, design engineering, welding and finishing, and other custom machining services.

Choose Evans As Your Tool And Die Shop Partner!

Evans Tool & Die offers a reduced supply chain risk, efficient and cost-saving solutions, decreased lead times and time to market, excellent products, and a host of services to help you build great things!

Evans builds the highest quality tools available on the market. One stop Shop allows your stamping Die to be run in one of our 67 punch presses. you receive lifetime maintenance service to your tool at no cost as long as Evans runs your die.

At Evans, we have over 200 years of combined tool and die experience to offer excellent service to our clients. We employ master tool makers capable of producing dies, tools, molds, machine tools, cutting tools, and more using our wide variety of equipment.

Contact us to get in touch with our experts, or get a quote today!

Why The Tool and Die Process Is Important in All Metal Working

Tool and Die is a process of making custom metal parts. It involves using specialized tools and dies to cut and shape the metal into the desired form. Tool and die can be used for a variety of purposes, from creating small parts to fabricating large components.

The process of Tool and Die begins with a design. The design is then transferred to a computer, which will create a simulation of how the part will be machined. This allows for greater accuracy and eliminates the need for trial and error.

Creating Specialized Tooling

The next step is to create the tooling. Tooling is made up of the tools and dies that will be used to cut and shape the metal. The tooling is specifically designed for the part that is being manufactured and must be precise in order to create the desired outcome.

Creating Specialized Tooling

Once the tooling is created, it is used to cut and shape the metal into the desired form. The metal is then sometimes welded and finished as needed.

Design Engineering and Custom Metal Stamping

Design Engineering is the process of designing and creating custom metal parts. Design Engineering is a specialized process that requires a high level of precision and accuracy. When it comes to creating custom metal parts, Design Engineering is the process of choice.

Custom metal stamping , machining, welding and finishing are all part of the Tool and Die process. When it comes to creating custom metal parts, Tool and Die is the process where it all begins.

Metal stamping is the process of using a press to stamp metal into a desired shape. Metal stamping is a common manufacturing process that is used to create a variety of parts. Metal stamping can be used to create parts for a wide range of applications.

Custom Metal Stamping

Tool makers in the tool and die industry create the dies, molds, machine tools, cutting tools, and other tools used in manufacturing. Tool makers are essential to the manufacturing industry and at Evans our senior tool makers are highly trained and have years of on the job experience.

Welding and Finishing Metal Components and Parts

In Tool and Die, ‘welding’ is the process of joining two pieces of metal together. Welding is a common manufacturing process that is used to create a variety of parts. It is an essential process in the manufacturing industry and provides a high level of precision and accuracy. Welding can be used to create parts for a wide range of applications.

In Tool and Die, ‘finishing’ is the process of polishing or cleaning metal parts. Finishing is a common manufacturing process that is used to put the finishing touches on the manufactured parts. It is an essential process in the manufacturing industry and provides a high level of precision and accuracy. Finishing can be used to create parts for a wide range of applications.

One Stop Tool and Die Shop

At Evans Tool & Die, Inc and Evans Metal Stamping, Inc. we’ve been a one stop shop since 1948. We have the capability to perform all the various services discussed in this article with precision, speed and care. Contact us today to get a free and fast quote to get started with your next tool and die project.

One Stop Tool and Die Shop

As a certified SBA – Woman Owned Small Business, we keep the entire process in-house. From concept, to design, to creation, packaging and shipping… we remove the need for 3rd party involvement. This ensures your project will be done to the highest quality standards and completed on time and on budget. With Evans, there won’t be any issues with supply chain delays as we handle everything ourselves.

Evans Metal Stamping Tool and Die Companies
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